We are in a financial rut. I have been out of work since April to have my baby. Now that my leave is up, there are no available hours as we have moved into our slow season. My boyfriends hours have also been cut (we work at the same restaurant in Oaks - 40 minute drive) and now he has missed a shift because we have no gas in the car. My car insurance is due on June 13th. It is already 2 weeks past due and after the 13th the insurance will drop. My son's 2 month check up is in Reading on the 13th and we don't know how we are going to put gas in the car to get there. Our families are not in situations where they could loan us money when we don't know when we will be able to pay it back. I've been placing job applications and will be setting up interviews, but again with no gas I don't know how to take care of these things. We have applied for cash assistance but that takes at least a month to process, if we get approved.