So, the prayer request is for my kidney(s). I have been having problems with my right kidney. But, I also want to pray that my left one is OK. So, on my right kidney, it is enlarged and has some cysts in it that have grown. And, that there is a narrowing of the ureter that carries the urine to the bladder. Please pray to have that healed and enlarged so that the urine can drain easily from my kidneys down into my bladder and everything will be back to normal. Pray for normal functioning of my kidneys and ureter to my bladder. Please, please, pray that TODAY they will be able to take care of my issues with my right kidney and that I will NOT or EVER need surgery. That they can take care of my issues with my kidney that will be easy to take care of and I will not ever need to have surgery. Sincerely, Jeff McBride