Prayer Request

sorry there wasnt enough room but back to my story david now suffers from dabilatating headaches and severe panic attack he cant breath half the time he s not the same person and he knows it but now has gotten white matter disease and it fatal because he has it very bad and hes so scared and it breaks my heart to watch him suffer the drs only give him antidepressants for the pain and it doesnt touch his pain so he lays in bed 24 hours a day listening to bible stories and crying ive tried to be strong and tell him hes gonna make it we have to be positive but at the same time inside im dying so please i know how powerful prayer is please pray for him to help him get out of this pain and not suffer like he is so the last years of his life wont be in misery hes such a good kind man but he thinks he did something to god so hes making him suffer its so sad please help him.
Name: Tammy
City/State: longview
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