Prayer Request

many things / finances / harassment / family
I am desperate to get help from God. I don't know what to do. I have gone above and beyond to do my part and nothing seems to be working. I am extremely frustrated, and I don't want to go on. I need many things to change, and nothing is working. Many things needs to change, and I have taken extreme measures in some forms that I thought would bring results. I cannot continue without my prayers being answered and getting results. I need peace in my house. I need my financial problems resolved once and for all. There is a whole list of things I wont post here, but the bottom line is that I have not reaped as I have sown, and I cannot continue the way things are. This refers to recurring problems that follow me everywhere I go in everything I do for over the last 20+ years. Things have to change, and as I said I have taken extreme measures that I thought may help and it seems to have accomplished nothing.
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Las Vegas
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