Prayer Request

I am 59 yrs old. I have bad knees, I can't walk well anymore. I have 2 blood clots, 1 in each lung that makes breathing a challenge along with asthma. I am a diabetic now. I can't get disability. I can't get a decent job. I can't pay my bills. My car broke down, the transmission went out. I can't get any help to fix it. My father is 1600 miles away and very sick and I can't go see him. The devil is tearing me to pieces. I'm trying to keep the armor of God but it is crushing my heart. Please help and pray for me. I have 3 grown children, 1 at home with ADHD that isn't functioning in life. Please please pray for us!!!!
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Muscatine, IA, USA
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