Prayer Request

Desperate for prayer for protection
Please pray for my son, his girlfriend, myself and our family and loved ones. (There's an extreme emergency in our family. It's only one of them there have actually been a few this week. I don't know what it is but we are desperately needing prayer support for protection, finances to deal with the emergencies some of which are medical and extremely serious. There's also one family member who unfortunately is dealing with a stalker. Someone who's following them and has stated they want harm to come to them however it's not bad enough for the police to charge them. We're very concerned for the entire family safety. Please pray these people are stopped so our family is safe. It's extremely scary and we are desperate to have prayer coverage as much as we can 24 hours a day until this passes. We are good people who love God and serve our fellow man I'm very upset so this may not be coming out right but if you know anyone who would pray for us please by any means pass along this request
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Tampa, FL, USA
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